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I have so much to say and yet have no words.
So many variables in life its absurd.
What is that you heard? That I fly free like a bird?
More like chained to the earth grounded in discontent.
Unhappy with humanity lets escape to heaven sent let this mortality be spent forget about debt. No more bills no more rent.
Simply a consciousness, an awareness, a being.
Wouldn’t that be so entirely freeing? We could flow, float, and flee away from these binds of gravity.
Lets return to something heavenly.
An existence we know only in the minds eye, an existence that goes far beyond the bluest sky, an existence we know does not lie.
Does not judge, doesn’t not categorize.
Free of duality, this good and bad fantasy because it really all just is.
Yes it really is just now.
There is only perception to explain the how, the what, the where, and when.
Since when you really think about it, how did time begin?
What is this all anyway?
It’s only what we have all agreed to say,
That it is and its this and that’s all that there is.
Yet it could be so much more, it could be an open door, into the next horizon, into another crazy sky.
It could be there is no answer to the how when where and why.
Is that what heaven is?
An eternal bliss of knowing there’s no answer, of knowing there’s no secret,
That you simply agree to breathe and be it…
Whatever it is, that’s what we defined,
Inside our ever curious expanding mind
That is the essence the core the root the glory
The ever common part of this beautiful changing story.
So while humanity may cause grief, sorrow, and a bit of trouble…
We are coming away from all the rubble, the destruction, the lies.
Slowly but surely we are coming to realize there is more to life, than to judge and criticize.
We are embracing the notion of kindness and peace.
What a beautiful, sweet, heavenly release.